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Our service users get up to a lot on a monthly basis, take a look below at some of our newsletters and special events!

by Bibi Mitchell 07 Mar, 2024
February 2023 Newsletter February was an eventful month for our Service Users! Our service users decorated their homes for valentines day as well as preparing lots of food and presents for each other. Our service user also took part in pancake day! Have a look below at the memories that were captured.
01 Feb, 2024
The 1st of February is also know as Dignity Action Day! Dignity Action Day gives everyone the opportunity to uphold people's rights to dignity and provide a memorable day for people receiving care. This day aims to ensure that service users are treated with respect, as individuals and are given a choice, control and purpose in their daily lives. At Mitchell's, Dignity is something we are deeply passionate about. We ensure our service users are treated with the utmost respect as individuals and ensure that they have choice and control of their lives. Celebrating Dignity Action Day will provide many benefits such as: Raising awareness of how significant dignity is in the care sector It gives a meaningful day for our staff and service users to make memories. Helps show that every person/role has a vital role in upholding dignity in care Provides an amazing opportunity for the community to get to know each other more and uphold community values. The Main theme of this years dignity day is Red! This means wearing any red clothing, perhaps bake red themed cakes. Take a look below of our decorations and some of our service users celebrating Dignity Day 2024!
01 Jan, 2024
December 2023 Newsletter Over the holiday period, our Service users took part in several activities, a Christmas jumper competition was held! Our top 3 service users got special mention on the newsletter that went out to show off their amazing christmas jumpers! Our Staff also took part in the holiday spirit, by wearing their christmas jumpers too! Our staff also decorated our homes, take a look below!
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